2011年2月19日 星期六

My very first London Fashion Week

This is the first time i attend fashion week, but the scale is not as big as I think
Although the fashion shows are only for the invite guests, but there is still a trade event to see.

真不敢相信我來到London fashion week了,起了個大早進城城,今天還試圖穿的很像專業人士,專業的buyer來著的,這次的fashion week又回到Somerset House了,場地不是說非常的大,所以跟我想相中的時裝週不太一樣,我本來還以為可以看到為了趕秀跑來跑去的模特兒,很不幸的,啥都沒看到,倒是看到一堆型人跟怪人。

So here I am, "today" I am a buyer who owns a boutique shop in Taiwan :P

The Somerset House

放了那堵大牆,典雅的Sumorset House瞬間真的是有給他fahsion起來
I have strange affection about coloured flags lately

International buyer...LOL, after registration, you will get a free Mulberry shopping bag
拿了假名片註冊去,International buyer聽起來真的超響亮的,註冊完就會給你一個Mulberry的購物袋,讓你裝再會場拿的雜七雜八的東西。雖然是不是怎麼好看啦,不過好歹他是Mulberry的。
在會場中只要有人問起,我就說我在台灣有一間叫做Summer的小boutique shop, 還有模有樣的問起retail price and whole sale price, and they really buy it. 我只能說,有沒有人要請我當本地小buyer呀

Press room
很可惜的沒有任何fashion show的邀請函,不過倒是幸運的混進了其中的一場,不過人太多,我太矮,只能看到一堆人的後腦勺,還有兩公分大小的models.

Accessory desingers
Top:Little Glass Clementine
Bottom: Tatty Devine, some of the pieces i really want, they also provide online shop, http://www.tattydevine.com/boutique/#

Yang Du, this is the designer brand attracted me the most today,  the combination of cartoon inspired pattern and oversized silhouette is nothing but my dream piece. All the sweaters are made of cashmere. Desinger Yang Du is really friendly, and she will also show her design in the upcoming Paris fashion week.
You can get her pieces in Selfridges London, and D-mop HK. I tell myself I will get one someday.

Top: Cute designer Louise Gray http://www.louisegraylondon.com/index.html
Bottom: shame that i lost the information of the sun glasses, this is really one of the humorous piece, strongly suggest wear this to see the horror films.

Designer from Copenhagen, this outdoor wear is more like a rain cap really functional and fashionable as well.
she also asked me about the weather condition in Taiwan, I told her she should launch her items to Taiwan coz it's always humid and raining. I want one.


The snap shots


